
Projector Screen Rental – How to get the projector rental right?

How to get the right projector rental for professional events

The power of the image is unquestionable and few dare to make an important presentation in public without its help. The image adds value, enriches the content, supports our word and attracts the public’s attention.

In events, audiovisual tools are the protagonists and companies increasingly dedicate more resources and efforts to capture the focus of visitors: with timelapse, interactive solutions, mapping, augmented reality … But we cannot forget the “basics”.
A plasma screen or a projector are essential for day to day in addition to saving many unforeseen events if something fails in the space where we are going to speak. If your thing is to always have the latest technology, renting a projector for events is what you need.

In recent years, projectors have evolved considerably and we find a wide range that makes any event easier but that complicates the task of deciding on a specific model.

Next, we leave you a list of important aspects to take into account that will help you choose a good projector for your next audiovisual event.

How to get the projector rental right for events: factors to consider

Projection size and distance
We must be clear about where we are going to make the presentation, the size of the room and what we are dealing with. The power of our equipment and the sharpness of the image will depend on that. Not all event projectors are suitable for any distance or screen size.


The resolution of a projector determines the aspect ratio and sharpness of the image. Depending on the use that is going to be given and the size of the screen, we do not need to resort to higher resolutions, such as Full HD or 4K. At the aspect ratio level, we will hardly resort to 4/3 projections; the current standard is 9/16.

The power ranges are very wide, as well as the types of optics to adapt to the different projection sizes or the different distances in which we can be forced to work.

“From 1,000 to 40,000 lumens of light power or from 40 centimeters to 30 meters of projection distance, the range of equipment must be wide to cover all variables.”

Space lighting
The lighting environment of the space is crucial to assess the use of projection or even rule it out. Specifically, we will assess the light that falls directly on the screen.

One of the factors that determine the quality of the image is the contrast, that is, the relationship between the presence of light and the absence of it. If our screen is not dark enough in the absence of projection, we will not have the “blacks” that contrast and outline the projected image. Even if we use a super powerful projector in certain circumstances, projection is not the solution.

On the other hand, we can determine the power of the necessary light taking into account the surface to be covered and the level of semi-darkness or darkness in the room. For a cinema, for example, although the screen can be very large, the room is very dark so we will use less power than for an equivalent screen in a meeting room where the ambient light is much higher.

Background noise
Projectors tend to produce more background noise due to the ventilation systems they require. In these cases, we must assess their use if we can not place them away from the public or isolate them to avoid inconvenience to our audience. In any case, the improvement in technology and the use of new light sources such as lasers make it possible to manufacture increasingly silent equipment.

Occasional heavy use
Another factor when renting a projector for events is the hours of use that we are going to give it.
The projectors have one main consumable element: the lamp. If the equipment is to be used sporadically, the value for money of the incandescent lamps is the most appropriate. However, in case of intensive daily use, the solution is projectors with laser technology with durability of up to 30,000 hours.


LED Screen rental Miami – LED displays for stands

LED Screen rental Miami – LED displays for stands

LED displays for stands that help attract attention at trade shows

Attracting the attention of the public in a stand, with the sophistication of the visual content, is a challenge in these times. It is useless to have chosen an excellent space at a fair, if later we fail to measure up to our exhibitor or we have no idea how to get the best out of our brand value with audiovisual solutions such as LED screens. Read More

Sound Rental Miami – The importance of audio and sound systems and equipment

Companies that carry out audiovisual events invest a lot of resources in order to create a comfortable environment for their guests. In that sense, sound is important in any event because of the comprehensive experience it can offer.

Considering the size of the location and audience, the purpose of the event, and whether it is indoors or outdoors, amplifiers, microphones, and speakers will be needed to make the sound clear. The range of systems available for different applications is huge, and from ACD Sound Rental Miami  we can help you choose the best option for your event.

What elements are necessary for a sound and audio system to work without problems?

Sound and audio equipment use multiple electronic components to manage and transmit sound. This can affect and hum in other lighting system devices if they are powered by the same power source. For this reason, it is advisable to separate the audio and lighting power sources in event production. It is also necessary to carry out preliminary tests to ensure that any problem can be solved in good time. With a little attention to detail and a few pro tips, you can achieve a great, balanced sound that helps enhance the experience.

Monitoring systems

On stage the sounds sound very different than when you are in the audience. Monitors, such as in-ear systems or stage wedges, solve this problem.


There are three basic types of microphones: Unidirectional microphones; ideal for voices or small instruments, the bidirectional microphones; excellent for two-person dialogue, and omni-directional microphones; they capture audio on stage for, for example, choirs or grand instruments. There are also wireless headband or lavalier microphones that leave your hands free.


The speakers have a cone of sound projected towards the front. By placing the speakers at the far left and right of a stage, a sound gap is formed in the center. To avoid that, delay and overflow systems are used to create a uniform sound throughout the space. More volume does not mean more sound if there are areas where the sound does not reach.


An amplifier is an electronic device that takes a signal and increases its power, that is, increases the amplitude.

Ohms are a measure of resistance and tell us how resistant amplifiers and speakers are to electricity. Most importantly, the speakers and amplifiers have the same ohm rating. On the other hand, power is measured in watts and an amplifier 50% more powerful than the speakers should be used

Rent a Projector in Miami – Tips for choosing well

Renting a projector is not a task to be taken lightly, especially if it is for professional use.

In events or fairs, it is very common to resort to renting audiovisual material. It guarantees us always to have a current model, previously revised, with the advantage that we can choose the most suitable for each occasion.

There are currently a large number of projectors on the market. But, how to get right between so many options?

Tips for choosing the best projector for events

Renting a projector is not a task to be taken lightly, especially if it is for professional use.

In events or fairs, it is very common to resort to renting audiovisual material. It guarantees us always to have a current model, previously revised, with the advantage that we can choose the most suitable for each occasion.

There are currently a large number of projectors on the market. But, how to get right between so many options?

Tips for choosing the best projector for events

When a projector is required for professional purposes, the best decision must be made considering multiple factors such as the audience we are targeting, the size of the room and the details of the content to be projected.

Some of the factors to consider before proceeding with the rental of a projector are:

  • Size and Weight – This is important if you travel often to give talks, meet with dealers, or exhibit in different locations. If this is the case, a compact model that weighs as little as possible is convenient, without interfering with its quality. Do not forget to assess the size of the room and the distance from the screen, as the idea is that all attendees see clearly what appears on the slides.
  • The lighting of the space: both brightness and direct and indirect lights influence how the images displayed are perceived. The darker the room, the clearer they will be. It should also be noted that many times attendees need to take notes and require a minimum of clarity to do so.
    Type of connectivity: there are projectors that have the ability to transfer content to a screen from our mobile, computer or Tablet using a WIFI or Bluetooth signal. From them you can also access applications in the cloud avoiding unforeseen events such as certain presentations being misconfigured or that a computer fails and we have no way of accessing the content.
  • Quality: there are already projectors that broadcast in HD. At Eikonos we help you choose the model you need to achieve the highest quality. The size of the room will influence, so we advise you in a personalized way to get you the best budget according to your needs.
  • The technology: LCD projectors are most recommended for home use. The light from your lamp is divided into three primary colors and its technology is much simpler. It is not the best option if we value the rental of this equipment for the professional field.
  • Speakers: If the content you are broadcasting is video, take into account the quality of the audio provided by the projector and consider adding additional speakers. Some projectors have less quality or power than you might need, affecting the image you convey of your company and your own professionalism.
  • Whether or not it allows applications. In some sectors, we operate with specific, unusual apps and we are interested in knowing if the projector supports them.
  • Internal storage: Always make sure that the projector has enough internal memory to save and project all files and content smoothly and without interruptions.
  • Remote control. Depending on the presentations, spaces or presentations, it is essential to have a remote control system that allows you to activate or stop the projector from a distance.