Sound Rental Miami – The importance of audio and sound systems and equipment

Companies that carry out audiovisual events invest a lot of resources in order to create a comfortable environment for their guests. In that sense, sound is important in any event because of the comprehensive experience it can offer.

Considering the size of the location and audience, the purpose of the event, and whether it is indoors or outdoors, amplifiers, microphones, and speakers will be needed to make the sound clear. The range of systems available for different applications is huge, and from ACD Sound Rental Miami  we can help you choose the best option for your event.

What elements are necessary for a sound and audio system to work without problems?

Sound and audio equipment use multiple electronic components to manage and transmit sound. This can affect and hum in other lighting system devices if they are powered by the same power source. For this reason, it is advisable to separate the audio and lighting power sources in event production. It is also necessary to carry out preliminary tests to ensure that any problem can be solved in good time. With a little attention to detail and a few pro tips, you can achieve a great, balanced sound that helps enhance the experience.

Monitoring systems

On stage the sounds sound very different than when you are in the audience. Monitors, such as in-ear systems or stage wedges, solve this problem.


There are three basic types of microphones: Unidirectional microphones; ideal for voices or small instruments, the bidirectional microphones; excellent for two-person dialogue, and omni-directional microphones; they capture audio on stage for, for example, choirs or grand instruments. There are also wireless headband or lavalier microphones that leave your hands free.


The speakers have a cone of sound projected towards the front. By placing the speakers at the far left and right of a stage, a sound gap is formed in the center. To avoid that, delay and overflow systems are used to create a uniform sound throughout the space. More volume does not mean more sound if there are areas where the sound does not reach.


An amplifier is an electronic device that takes a signal and increases its power, that is, increases the amplitude.

Ohms are a measure of resistance and tell us how resistant amplifiers and speakers are to electricity. Most importantly, the speakers and amplifiers have the same ohm rating. On the other hand, power is measured in watts and an amplifier 50% more powerful than the speakers should be used

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